
  1. Exclusive 崩壊学園 Guns Girl Z v10.0.52 [4+ FEATURES]

    Name: 崩壊学園 Version: 10.0.52 Root: No Mod features: 1. Unlimited damage 2. Unlimited defense 3. Infinite ammo 4. Mspd Install Steps: 1. Download & Install mod 2. Enable "DRAW OVER" or "DISPLAY POP-UP WINDOW" permission (if Android 6+) 3. Enable storage permission 4. Enjoy! HOW TO ENABLE...
  2. [HELP]Replaced the .so file and the apk keep crash

    Game : Guns girl JP version I modified the il2cpp.so file and repalce it into the apk file.But the app just keep carsh when open it . Did I missed any steps? Can anyone give me some help?
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