
  1. Exclusive 鍊金工房 Online ~布雷賽爾的鍊金術士~ v3.5.0 V2[Always Team Turn & ATK]

    Name: 鍊金工房 Online ~布雷賽爾的鍊金術士~ Version: 3.5.0 V2 Root: Yes&No Features: - ATK 5x - Always your turn Install Steps: - Download/Make Config files first, then put it on "/sdcard/" or you can make one with atelier_tw_config.txt - Download the OBB, and place it inside...
  2. Exclusive 最果てのバベル (Project BABEL) v1.2.0[MOD]

    Name: 最果てのバベル (Project BABEL) Version: v1.2.0 Root: Yes&No FEATURE x10 ATK Always Player Turn Install Steps: install the mod enjoy :) Credits: Dwizpa (JMT) Playstore Link : Google Playstore Link BYPASS SIGNED Download -...
  3. Outdated The Alchemist Code v1. [God Mod +5 More]

    Name: The Alchemist Code Version: Root: No For someone still want to enjoy how hard to beat the enemy without getting beaten in game. Mod 1. No Skill Cost and Limit 2. God Mode (You will always get healed as much as enemy dmg after enemy attack you) 3. Move Everywhere 4. Attack...
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