Name: The Elder Scrolls: Blades
Version: v1.6.2.956295
Root: No
- Godmode
- Weak Enemies
- Free Revives
Install Steps:
1) Install Mod.
2) Enjoy.
Note: This game runs only for x64 cpu's (AArch64), that means that this game doesn't run in any emulators (at least the ones i know of)...
Game name: Dan The Man
Version: 1.1.0
Playstore: Dan The Man - Android Apps on Google Play
Root: No
1. Unlimited Money
2. Unlocked
1. Download and install apk
Apk: Download Dan The Man apk
Name: Con Man: The Game
Version: 1.2.5
Root: Yes/No
1. Unlimited Coins (Increase)
2. Unlimited Cash (Increase)
3. No Cost For Fast Upgrade
Install Steps:
- Download and install apk
Credits To: OSX
Playstore Link: Google Playstore
Download: Here