Outdated Eldrian Legacy v1.41 [mod dmg]

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AndroidRepublic...best mods for u when others fail
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Name: Eldrian Legacy
Version: 1.41
Root: Yes/No

1.) massive dmg on all PvE, reduce enemy dmg
2.) slightly boosted dmg for PvP; slightly lower enemy dmg
3.) bypass-mode for Arena

Install Steps:
1.) download xapk apkpure, rename to .zip, extract OBB and place to /Android/obb/com.joycity.eldrianlegacy/
2.) install modded apk
3.) enjoy

Upgrade from PS version:
1.) rename your obb folder, e.g. Xcom.joycity.eldrianlegacy
2.) uninstall your PS version
3.) rename back OBB to original
4.) install modded apk
5.) play

1.) don't ask for currency mod, not going to look into it and most likely not possible
2.) I've made sure that as much as possible these mods to be "safe". you don't need to worry to use any of the features at any of the events ;) However, in case they have new events coming up, you better check this forum to see its safety
3.) the game is new, expect more content to be added.
4.) your dmg is proportionate to your level which means you still die if you try to go against much powerful enemies; level up your heroes if you need to progress further
5.) some visual hints are inserted into the game; don't be surprised; that's just for your eyes..to remind you that we love you so much :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy:

This game has nice graphics and given it's new, your banning chances are unknown at this stage; using mods of any kind leads to banning, this is your only warning.

Like this post to get updates; ping me if there are updates on the game so that I can update mods.

Credits To: BTG (EMT)
Playstore Link: Google Playstore
Original APK: apkpure

Download: zippy || UC
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just tried it and evrything seems to work just fine+ i can log in FB fine too

ty for the mod
i've tried install PS version and mod version, but still same cannot enter the game. stuck at main menu.
If you can't even get the PS version running, then I don't think any of us can help you. Most likely that's because the game doesn't support your device somehow. Try going to Google and install from there, if that's failing as well, your only option is emulator I think

I thought it was obb problem but some of you presumably know how to deal with obb by now. Give that a careful check, you may just missed out steps somewhere
Idk what cause problem on rooted device google play not connected , patched with lp too... No fb login option :(
I don't think there is fb login option, you need to link your fb inside the game, on option page..anyway, I never tried this, but give it a go, you've got nothing to lose except for tutorial...lol
@BTG Bro can u check mod apk live version ?? Here Attached original apk live


Don't Worry Mine Not Working To

The Game Force Close In *Tap To Start* Screen - I Don't Know Why XD

Even I Use PS or Mod Ver. Don't Work Lel I Guess This Game Called - Poor App -

On Top Of That Im Using S6 Phone XD
whether it's FB or G+, that's the game feature, or lack of feature. You guys just have to use whatever available in the game.

As said, this is fairly new game, so I have no doubt they will start integrating to other login mechanisms ;)

As for the FC or can't play game when PS is ok...tbh i have no idea why you have the problem, since I literally don't change anything on the way the game is loaded. My only suggestion is to retry again the steps, and wait (a long wait maybe) on the main screen to allow things to be downloaded/connected/whatever. I notice the login page is slower sometimes

good luck and enjoy
My only suggestion is to retry again the steps, and wait (a long wait maybe) on the main screen to allow things to be downloaded/connected/whatever. I notice the login page is slower sometimes
its true.. i can see my Mb has taking out.. showing progress with the same screen.. low progress like 40kb/s
im sorry for my bad english.. the game it self have a smooth animation and clear graphic.. i like it
but honestly i little bit dont like with how the hero meet the enemy in the narrow area
the conclution is after that slow progress at the front page the game will really doing smooth sweet run
thank you for this nice mod.. hehehe

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