Error when adding toast message.


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So I got this error when trying to recompile my apk and I'm not sure why when I followed the tut.

Log For : WWEChampionsMOD.apk

Log Type : Recompiling

Log Recorded At : 2017-04-04 -- 6:18:40.05

Log Recorded By : Advanced ApkTool v4.2.0 By BDFreak


..\3-Out\WWEChampionsMOD.apk\smali\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,0] required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'Searching'
..\3-Out\WWEChampionsMOD.apk\smali\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[3,2] Error for input '\': Invalid text
..\3-Out\WWEChampionsMOD.apk\smali\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[3,18] Error for input '\': Invalid text
..\3-Out\WWEChampionsMOD.apk\smali\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[3,24] Error for input '\': Invalid text
..\3-Out\WWEChampionsMOD.apk\smali\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[3,40] Error for input '.apk\smali\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity': Invalid directive
..\3-Out\WWEChampionsMOD.apk\smali\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[3,105] Error for input '.smali': Invalid directive
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not smali file: com/kungfufactory/androidplugin/KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali
at brut.androlib.src.SmaliBuilder.buildFile(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildSourcesSmali(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildSources(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(


The code I put under locals
const/4 v0, 0x1

const-string v1, "YOUR MESSAGE"

invoke-static {p0, v1, v0}, Landroid/widget/Toast;->makeText(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;

move-result-object v0

invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid/widget/Toast;->show()V

Please take a screen shot where you pout your code
First of all, you're doing it wrong lol
The code is just

const/4 v0, 0x1

const-string v1, "YOUR MESSAGE"

invoke-static {p0, v1, v0}, Landroid/widget/Toast;->makeText(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;

move-result-object v0

invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid/widget/Toast;->show()V

and in "YOUR MESSAGE" is the place where you're supposed to put your name or whatever you want like "Modded by LiquidGold"

then i should say that this kind of toast doesn't need to be under .locals, use ctrl+F to search for OnCreate and you will see
.method public onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V'
under this you'll find Register 5 or 6, you can put this cod under this
Another thing, if you want to add a Toast to a game you don't need to decompile the whole apk, just drag classes.dex outside and use URET Android Reverser Toolkit v1.4 to decompile the dex file (mark Resurces first) and you are fine to edit it and then compile again.
apktool d -r xxx.apk
apktool b xxx

That's how I have the code.
I thought I had it in the right spot , I'll try what you suggested and get back to you.
Nothing wrong with the code maybe your apktool acting weird .. try baksmali from XDA .. add your toast then smali back
So I have tried Baksmali and URET Android Reverser Toolkit v1.4 but it's still the same, I would place the code just like it is shown above , try to re compile the .dex file and I would still get the same error(below) I know this is the correct smali file so I don't know why it's acting like this. Any suggestions?

2017-04-05 8:31:17
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,0] required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'C'
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,2] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,14] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,22] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,29] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,33] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,47] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,61] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,84] Error for input '.smali': Invalid directive
So I have tried Baksmali and URET Android Reverser Toolkit v1.4 but it's still the same, I would place the code just like it is shown above , try to re compile the .dex file and I would still get the same error(below) I know this is the correct smali file so I don't know why it's acting like this. Any suggestions?

2017-04-05 8:31:17
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,0] required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'C'
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,2] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,14] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,22] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,29] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,33] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,47] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,61] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,84] Error for input '.smali': Invalid directive
weird i've used that same code of urs and it compiled fine
weird i've used that same code of urs and it compiled fine
Right. It's really aggravating , It's always something in my way. First it was re compling errors in general , now this. I can't catch a break , and I don't want to release this mod in till I add creds. Not sure if that sounds tacky or not..don't want to make a big deal out of it but I would like ppl to know who modded ya know.
Right. It's really aggravating , It's always something in my way. First it was re compling errors in general , now this. I can't catch a break , and I don't want to release this mod in till I add creds. Not sure if that sounds tacky or not..don't want to make a big deal out of it but I would like ppl to know who modded ya know.
i know what you mean .. some will leech and put their credits ... try to search that error on internet might pop up something
So I have tried Baksmali and URET Android Reverser Toolkit v1.4 but it's still the same, I would place the code just like it is shown above , try to re compile the .dex file and I would still get the same error(below) I know this is the correct smali file so I don't know why it's acting like this. Any suggestions?

2017-04-05 8:31:17
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,0] required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'C'
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,2] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,14] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,22] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,29] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,33] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,47] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,61] Error for input '\': Invalid text
classes\Source\com\kungfufactory\androidplugin\KFFUnityPlayerActivity.smali[1,84] Error for input '.smali': Invalid directive

check the row 1st and then coloum 2,14,22,29,33 whatever it is saying if you are using some texts which are not supported then use either escape sequence or add \ before that special character or i suggest use base64 and then decode it at runtime

Best Regards,
Bro use notpadd++ search for .method protected oncreate reason search for that has you get less resualts im smali than just searching oncreate. The place you need to edit is under unitynativeactivityplayer or unityactiveplayer line 60. Use tryownme decompile tool simple but one of the best out there and problem should be resolved
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