BTG mods for u when others fail
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Name: Fortias Saga: Action Adventure
Version: 1.0.65
Root: No/Yes (if you want to save your progress to google; need LP or rooted)


1.) Unlock no ads - just click on any ads to get rewards
2.) unlimited currency and items - may not show but you can keep buying anything
3.) massive damage
4.) god mode
5.) remove dev restriction with your IGN, go nuts *
6.) got unobtainable hero, show with pride, now you can *
7.) yes we hate tutorial too, now you are not forced to do, we removed them!! *
8.) how about that flash sale, yes, removed as well *
9.) Faster!!
10.) TeamAR granted your wish to be UNBAN**
11.) Infinite Bread
12.) 50 shards for all your gacha (check bag)
13.) So lucky, every pull is UR ***
14.) Every pull is HP Amy!! ***
15.) best of all, TeamAR giftcode for unobtainable hero shards !!! (40+ per pull)
16.) always perfect in campaign
17.) up to 8x rewards whether online offline or whatever, with 1x bread and with 8x bread cost
18.) anti-ban
19.) how lucky are you to see double mimic every time, 8x rewards + 16 yellow tix ****
20.) main stat modifier
21.) select your own substats, any substat !
22.) Unlimited ADS shopping. Get bored with only 1x ads rewards? how about unlimited? stock up!!
23.) Enhance always success 10000%
24.) instant upgrade any of your buildings, no need to wait
25.) baker produces too much bread? now you can just collect them every time *
26.) gacha higher percentage of UR
27.) unlimited free black market items
28.) choose your eidolon on gacha (only when you get eidolon shard), legit !
29.) level up your eidolons for only 10% of the cost
30.) guaranteed to get eidolons always! (risky)
31.) always 50 shards whenever getting eidolon shard, legit !
32.) ancient stone always 300 in gacha, legit !
33.) Every pull is Eris or Thylia or LUM, your pick ***
34.) Freeze your achievements -- if you have rewards, you can keep pulling the rewards, if you pull 1million gacha, it wont register ;)
35.) Tired waiting for your idle or tower rewards? Now you can just pull get rewards every click
36.) Free skins for everyone

* all of these are automatically applied when you use mod. Only change your IGN if/when you know the risk.

** To avoid extreme abuse, account UNBAN will only work up to 10x. Put it another way, bruh, you are banned so many times, stop annoying devs! Give them some time to sleep!

*** only enable 1 of these, either you enable 50 shards or you enable the lucky pull. 50 shards will give you 50 shards for every UR on your gacha, only if you get UR ofc. The lucky pull will convert your hero shards to any random UR of the same amount of shards, now how lucky are you??!!!

**** make sure you're moderate on using this yellow tix. next version I'll put blue tix option

TeamAR is proudly offering you the one and only mod where you can enjoy unobtainable heroes for this game. There are 4 unobtainable heroes and we will release 1 hero shards over period of days/weeks/months.


You can claim giftcode ONCE per day and only when you enable the mod before you get into the lobby. If you "missed" enabling the mod for the "new" day then you have to wait for the next day and serve you right for forgetting to enable the mods ;) --- seriously, just enable the gift mod every time you enter the game hey. Collect the shards over few days, you'll get the good looking hero. Enjoy !!

All mods will need to be enabled before you get into the lobby. This mod is only tested up to A14 in 32-bit mode, you do whatever you like to make sure the mod loads.

Crash or unable to load the mod? Just force-close the game and reload again. Persistent crashes? Sorry can't help, remove GG or memory tool, give permissions, use other emulators, gosh just abuse the hell of this mod as you wish. Mod is tested on A13 and A14, xiaomi devices, and most likely will work for other devices.

Google save? just install PS version and save up (your profile icon -> save), then install the mod over. This assumes you have rooted device!

Banning? Yes you are on your own. Do not come here complaining if you're banned. With this release alone, you are guaranteed to be hated by the devs :)

1. guaranteed eidolons are buggy, very risky (although untraceable, still risky). there are times when it converts all your drops to full eidolon
2. other eidolon options can be mixed selected

Install Steps:
1.) uninstall existing game, install mod
2.) put OBB if exists in my download folder
3.) give permissions (minimum storage and overlay/popup) for the game
4.) play game
5.) if you see blackscreen/hung, force-close the game (long press on game icon, click 'force close' button), then reload the game

1) uninstall GG or memory editing tools. mod not compatible with them
2) some mods have ads to pay-off a small part of electricity bills, your support very much appreciated. wait for the ads to finish, click close button on top right corner. If you're VIP members using this mod, you should not see ads whatsoever, just login into VIP app. Remove ADBLOCK or any apps that prevent connection to ads, they cause game to crash.
3) PM me a crash log if mod only shows black or white screen: How-to tutorial videos | Forum News

Credits: BTG
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Playstore: Fortias Saga: Action Adventure - Apps on Google Play

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List of unobtainable heroes shards as your gift will be updated here. You will get RANDOM shards as more and more heroes to be released.

Presenting the Goddess Miriel:

Prince Reinhard The Winged Paragon

Prince of Apocalypse Gilderion

Hammer of Justice Eris

New Hero: Thylia the Dark Curse

The Wandering Sword Maiden, Kanna !

Eidolons what??? Presenting the gods of Fortias

Asura the Fury of Abyss

Jupiter the God of Thunder, Lightning, or something

Gaia, Mother Earth

Devi, Celestial Guardian

New hero: Great Sword Roland

Goddess of Light, Sol

God of Darkness, or is it Goddess of Darkness???
ONDI got confused on the gender ;)

.51 brings you High Priest Amy

Halloween Skins Free for everyone




Glacia Queen of Eternal Frost

Vulcan Guardian of the Primal Flame

Crimson Knights Skins: The Big Boys




.56 presents you world boss, and new hero Lum Spirit of the Wild

Forgotten about Order Of Lights skins


Dragon Slayer skins...Lydia always the best...





Xmas, the fat man Graldur and his Umpa Lumpa, and Count Vylkas




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reserved for emergency, aka when we get complain from devs

Test account
Screenshot_20240428-133339_Fortias Saga~2.png

With .32, you can upgrade your transcendence to the highest level, enjoy...

.41 brings you selection of substat on your equipment as you wish!!

Complete abuser, rank 1
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if you want the easiest way to do it is to use titanium backup. download playstore version log in there and save account then use titanium backup to backup data then change to mod apk then restore data
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How? Can you please tell em the steps. Been searching everywhere for 2 years how to make unsigned apk, not a single thread helped
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did just like as its mentioned, still i do not see any notification or shards inside the game.
look at your bag there are 11 shards of Mirielle I think they only give 11 shards
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nice IGN sir, never thought of that....

Enjoy the shards, in few days time you'll get the hero and we'll add the next hero. Anyone has wish what to come out next? Thinking of Reinhard but may throw Erin as she's pretty cute with that big hammer... Listening though again if I don't remember then I'll just release random 🤔
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