How To Edit " VOID " & " BOOLEAN " Entries On NET Reflector ?


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Help Me !!!

Please Teach Me How edit " VOID " & " BOOLEAN " Entries On NET Reflector .

Thank You So Much !!! :kissingheart::kissingheart::kissingheart:
For boolean if i recall correctly you need to find a function calling that boolean and then change the ldc.i4 to 0 or 1 for false or thrue
void... not a clue :D
You usually never edit void (I can't think of a time I ever have). It's probably the wrong function if it says void next to it.

So I Don't Really Need To Edit The Void Entries


Get_Coins --- > Are Single

Set_Coins --- > Are Void Next To It - Do I Need To Ignore This entries Or edit It ?
Well .. for Boolean you return either true or false for example

IsCanAttack ( boolean )

if u want to return True


if u want to return False

when it comes to Void for example

SetHP (int32) ( Void ) << don't bother with the ( int32 ) for now

let's say the actual function was like this :

ldarg.1 << this value will be stored inside _sethp

stfld _sethp << storing the value of HP
you would mod this like this :

ldarg.1 <<<< change this to any high int32 value

stfld _sethp
so final function would look like this :

ldc.i4 999999
stfld _sethp
i hope all of this make sense there are more complex void functions but you are more than welcome to ask here

Cheers and good luck .. happy modding
Well .. for Boolean you return either true or false for example
IsCanAttack ( boolean )

if u want to return True


if u want to return False

when it comes to Void for example
SetHP (int32) ( Void ) << don't bother with the ( int32 ) for now

let's say the actual function was like this :

ldarg.1 << this value will be stored inside _sethp
stfld _sethp << storing the value of HP
you would mod this like this :

ldarg.1 <<<< change this to any high int32 value
stfld _sethp
so final function would look like this :

ldc.i4 999999
stfld _sethp
i hope all of this make sense there are more complex void functions but you are more than welcome to ask here

Cheers and good luck .. happy modding

Oww ... Super Detailed Tut's Thank You @icry4u

If SetHP ( Single ) ( Void )

i Change The Idarg.1 To ( ldc.r4 Single 999999 ) ?
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While set_ functions could work, I highly recommend trying the get_'s first. Plus, I don't think it should be a string function.

I Miss The Word :) I Already Edit The Get_ All Entries & All Of Them Are Failed But I Din't Touch The Void & The Boolean So I Really Want to Know How Edit Void & Boolean In Set_
While set_ functions could work, I highly recommend trying the get_'s first. Plus, I don't think it should be a string function.
yup i agree .. i was just giving an example of Void functions
i Change The Idarg.1 To ( ldc.r4 Single 999999 ) ?
yup depends on the what you have ( single , int , boolean )

same principle works on other Voids .. like this
for example : ChangeHp (int32) ( Void ) << there is no get or set for this
inside you could see a lot of codes don't freak out just go line by line and see what are they
this is from a game i am working on it atm

void ChangeHp (int32 _HP) << argument .. ldarg.1
[0] int32 num) << variable
0 - ldarg.0
1 - call System.Int32 ActorInfo::GetHp() << the value of this will be stored into the variable int32 which is stloc.0
6 - stloc.0 << as we said above storing the value of GetHP inside the local variable
7 - ldloc.0 << it will load the value of the local variable
8 - ldarg.1 << the value of the argument
9 - sub << subtract the value of ldarg.1 from ldloc.0 << which basically will subtract the value of ldarg.1 from Get_HP
10 - stloc.0 << store the result into the local variable which is int32
11 - ldarg.0
12 - ldloc.0 << loads the value again from the local variable
13 - call System.Void ActorInfo::SetCurHp(System.Int32) << this will store the value above into the SetCurHP ( when you see this SetCurHp(System.Int32) << you need to store an int32 so it will be like this

so to mod this do like following :

ldc.i4 999 << this will be stored inside the the SetCurHp


Of course you can mod it in many ways but this is just an example

i hope this helps .. and sorry if i made any mistakes there ... good luck

I Miss The Word :) I Already Edit The Get_ All Entries & All Of Them Are Failed But I Din't Touch The Void & The Boolean So I Really Want to Know How Edit Void & Boolean In Set_
Which game you are trying to mod if ya don't mind
If is the case which should be changed? and how?
thanks :blush:


  • Unxcbcvbcvbtitled.webp
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You need to hack get_hp since you're basically modding the default/current hp of it.
Just like the get_Att. When you come across this kind of stuff, you would want to edit get instead of set. :P
yup i agree .. i was just giving an example of Void functions

yup depends on the what you have ( single , int , boolean )

same principle works on other Voids .. like this
for example : ChangeHp (int32) ( Void ) << there is no get or set for this
inside you could see a lot of codes don't freak out just go line by line and see what are they
this is from a game i am working on it atm

void ChangeHp (int32 _HP) << argument .. ldarg.1
[0] int32 num) << variable
0 - ldarg.0
1 - call System.Int32 ActorInfo::GetHp() << the value of this will be stored into the variable int32 which is stloc.0
6 - stloc.0 << as we said above storing the value of GetHP inside the local variable
7 - ldloc.0 << it will load the value of the local variable
8 - ldarg.1 << the value of the argument
9 - sub << subtract the value of ldarg.1 from ldloc.0 << which basically will subtract the value of ldarg.1 from Get_HP
10 - stloc.0 << store the result into the local variable which is int32
11 - ldarg.0
12 - ldloc.0 << loads the value again from the local variable
13 - call System.Void ActorInfo::SetCurHp(System.Int32) << this will store the value above into the SetCurHP ( when you see this SetCurHp(System.Int32) << you need to store an int32 so it will be like this

so to mod this do like following :

ldc.i4 999 << this will be stored inside the the SetCurHp


Of course you can mod it in many ways but this is just an example

i hope this helps .. and sorry if i made any mistakes there ... good luck
so just delete the other ?
and keep these ?
ldc.i4 999 << this will be stored inside the the SetCurHp

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