Outdated Kings Raid ver-4.8.9 (N0-Enemy)(WeakEnemy)(Bypass)(Skills)


Retired EMT
Thread Author

Name: Kings Raid
Version: 4.8.9

Mod Features: WeakEnemy.apk
1. Weak enemy (Low health and attack)

Mod Features 2: NoEnemey
1. No enemy on the map

Mod Feature 3: Skills.apk
1. No skill cd
2. No mana cost

Mod Feature 4: NoEnemyAtk
1. Enemy as no or little attack

Install Steps:
  1. Download desired mod
  2. Install and enjoy game
Credits: stelau4 - TeamAR
PlayStoreLink: King's Raid – Apps on Google Play
Bypass: KingsRaid-Bypass(TeamAR)
Mod1: KingsRaid-WeakEnemy(TeamAR)
Mod2: KingsRaid-NoEnemy(TeamAR)
Mod3: KingsRaid-Skills(TeamAR)
Mod4: KingsRaid-NoAttack(TeamAR)

DiscordSever: Join the kingRaids AR Discord Server!

Q1: Cant Login via google
A1: Need root device
Q2: Facebook login won't work
A2: Need to remove facebook app
Q3: is mod safe in any event or pvp part of game
A3: Has per mod no there is risk of ban DONT ABUSE
Q4: How to avoid ban
A4: Easy play safe and don't abuse has stated in A3
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@stelau4 i tested mod and it only works in story mode, all other modes doesnt work arena wich is good but rest of pve modes dont work either like stockade, hall of heroes, black gunpowder storage etc etc

can u try to fix it so all modes work bro? ty :P
Do you still playing Valiant Force BlackMonster ? I found this game yesterday and playing too. Such nice graphic :D.
There was another game of 433 name: tale of five kingdoms seems very nice, they ended their cls beta test, waiting for open beta. Hope that time we have mod :D.
Would it be possible for someone to show a gameplay video of this game since I cannot seem to find one on youtube.
Also, is this game in english?
The Title Are : English

The Pictures Are : Thai Something

The Description Are : Korean

So ... The Language For This Game Is ?

cant find anything for the gameplay when googling..
still confuse which language is this, please more info
@stelau4 i tested mod and it only works in story mode, all other modes doesnt work arena wich is good but rest of pve modes dont work either like stockade, hall of heroes, black gunpowder storage etc etc

can u try to fix it so
all modes work bro? ty :p

Haha I did say only works in story has that's all I tested but yeah ill see what eles I can do for it
game started to maintenance, approx 1 hours, may be client updated after that. Need your help stelau4 :).
Thanks in advance !
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