Need help editing Plants vs. Zombies 2 obb (ver. 7.8.1)

Wolzen Two

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I've seen videos of people playing PvZ 2 with an edited obb. There seems to be a lot under the hood to mess around with, specifically:

Pet Zombie
Level Creator
Plant Creator
Texture Editor

These are the fun ones I could list. The problem is no one except the editors know for sure on how to edit the obb to achieve these results in the first place. No tutorials either. I came here for a guide on how to do this. Any help is appreciated.
i also have watched gameplay of this before on Youtube, but i had a feeling that these mods are not on Android, but for PC version..
Not nesessarly. I have an international apk that contains some of the Chinese plants. Of course their attacks are within the peremiters of the original game but their plant IDs are unique. Pet zombies were also a feature in the older obbs but have seem to been made less obvious. There also seems a collection of bools that determine which zombies can be hypnotized or not.

This obb was made by lanzacrepers.
there is this tool called PVZ Main Control who can do the modifying you want..watched this video and read the uploader's description.. there are english, viet & spanish tool.. he also leaves his gmail & facebook contact which is pretty awesome so people may reach him for inquiries

enjoy! 😊
That solves the Level Creator issue, however not anything else. But thank you for finding this.
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