
  1. Outdated Last Day On Earth Survival 1.7.3 - FREE In App Purchases (Android - ROOT)

    Requirements For This: Rooted Android Device - ( Easy BlueStacks Root Below ) GameGuardian - ATLEAST 350 Coins ( I recommend more --> If you need more coins start with the resource pack ) (DATA IDs WILL NOT BE THE SAME ON EVERYONES DEVICE, so if you see...

    Here are some good apps to do alot of things. i took my time and look into this apps..Enjoy 1.Droiddrive - DriveDroid allows you to boot your PC from ISO/IMG files stored on your phone. This is ideal for trying Linux distributions or always having a rescue-system on the go... without the need...
  3. Probleme de root pour mon smartphone

    Bonjour , et desoler de vous faire par des mes problemes car je vois qui le forum francais en a beacoup x) cependant je narrive pas a rooter mon telephone (Galaxy S6 SM920F(<-- je ne suis pas sur a 100% de cette valeur)) jai pourtant essayer avec odin en derniere version mais...
  4. How to root S6

    Im sorry i know this is not here to make that but its still a request ( i read the rules) Its a request for a tutorial about how to root any device because mine (Galaxy S6) is...
  5. Greetings + basic tablet question...

    Hello everyone! I'm 39, from Brisbane Australia. Been gaming hardcore since I was about 7, so over 30 years xD Any summoners war fans here from my area? :D I'm a massive fan of Summoners War. I have 20 nat5's there, and I've been seriously considering buying VIP here and using this mod to get...
  6. Rooten Galaxy S6 edge

    Moin Leute. Meine Frage ist wie Roote ich mein Handy.Vom PC oder per app etc. Was für Vor und Nachteile hat das Rooten. Hat sowas Nachteile auf ein Vertrags Handy etc. Im Internet hört und ließt man alles mögliche. Wie funktioniert das.?? Ich danke euch schon mal. Ne frage neben bei wo muss...
  7. Root Destek Başlığı

    Selâmün aleyküm. Arkadaşlar bu başlık altında rootlayamadiginiz cihazlariniz hakkında elimden geldiğince size yardımcı olmaya çalışacağım. Yapmanız gereken asagida ki talep yazısını ayrintilariyla konu altına yazmaniz. Selametle Cihaz: Samsung Model: S5 mini Talep: Root, rom, stock rom...
  8. Lenovo P70 exposed

    Hello, has anyone tried to xpose Lenovo P70? I do not want to risk bricking my phone. :/ Thanks for any ideas how to xpose it.
  9. ROOTING LG h324t leon

    Hi everyone...Can u please help me root my phone.. Phone Name:LG h324t leon Android Version:5.1.1 Ive Tried all methods like king root, kingo root, towel root, frama root, vroot, also in pc mode but none works :( please if anyone have an idea..

    Post Type:Rooting Tutorial Programs shown/used:None Root Needed:N/A Thread Version - 3.1 Introduction: As many people know here on Android Republic post modded apks or games for non rooted users to enjoy but sometimes it not as simple as that and you do need root to hack these games, so ive...
  11. Hack Games On Android 5.+ [ROOT]

    Post Type:Root Tutorial Programs shown/used:CheatEngine.apk(1.5MB) Root Needed:YES Introduction: As many people may know all/most game modifying(hacking) apps dont work/have errors/crash on start on android 5.+, but i have found a way around this!! and that solutions name is cheat engine, the...
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