
  1. Is GrandChase's mod working?

    Hi, sorry for the inconvenience but I just wanted to know one thing the GrandChase Mod is not working, does it need to be updated to return to normal?
  2. Bug?with modded apks

    Recently, a lot of modded games have this block with the title on top in the APK. Some examples I've encountered are lost zero ans monster cry eternal just to name a few. The block actually cuts of the full screen so we can't select some buttons. Im using an S8 phone if that helps, and when i...
  3. Error when adding toast message.

    So I got this error when trying to recompile my apk and I'm not sure why when I followed the tut. Log For : WWEChampionsMOD.apk Log Type : Recompiling Log Recorded At : 2017-04-04 -- 6:18:40.05 Log Recorded By : Advanced ApkTool v4.2.0 By BDFreak...
  4. Another Apk-multitool Error

    I originally sent this message and video to stelau4 asking for his help regarding recompiling a modded APK, after using his net reflector tutorial. Weeeelll, he's offline and I'm impatient so I'm posting here hoping anybody else may have insight on what the hell the problem is this time. So...
  5. Need help with apk multi tool

    Well, I read @stelau4 's .net reflector tutorial and decided to try modding some games. But the problem is when I try to compile the APK (using option 18/ or option 12) I get a weird error and I can't figure out what the problem is. I tried redownloading apkmutitool, but this problem is still...
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