Hello friends. It's me again a hacker from Russia. I'll show you a simple and working way to clean up your mail in the game last day on earth: survival. This method applies to those players who use mods, and saved a large number of resources in the mail. Because of the large number of resources...
Hi all. Again, I'm hacker from Russia. I have exciting news. Everyone knows duplicate items in large quantities, but almost nobody knows how to do the duplicate for example, WEAPONS, toxic mask, I mean those items that, in a single value.
Writing by hand is very long, so watch the video and do...
Hi guys. Again, I'm hacker from Russia with an unusual hacking of the game for you. This time I will teach you how to pass through any objects and walls in the game. (Note: do not use this hack on any floor of the bunker).
This hack can be used when you have no axe to smash a wall with a...
Hi friends. It's me again a hacker from Russia. I was able to circumvent the closing of the bunker alpha, bunker alpha, you can go in every 10-15 minutes or even less. Do everything as shown in the video and you will succeed.